Susana Lindsay

A Debut Novel in a Galaxy-wide Setting
Hundreds of years in the future, we are still exploring, and for Ashanna and those aboard the Cousteau, it is a way of life. A new solar system, three new planets to explore and the possibility of sentient life, is their latest assignment.
Half way across the galaxy, a bored network tech begins digging under the shiny veneer of his employer's reputation. How does his annual vacation turn his simple life and that of so many others, upside down? What does this have to do with the discovery of mining in a proscribed sector of the galaxy thousands of light years away?
Find out in Sangha, the first book in the Planet Series.
You can also purchase the book in the various walled gardens (er, stores) at Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, etc.
Please note: Sangha is, at present, only available in ebook format. If I receive enough positive feedback, that may change.
I didn't know you could write, Mum!
From a daughter
It's just like a real book.
From the other daughter
Sangha was conceived and begun over twenty years ago when my daughters were children and strong female characters were rare in print or on television. My older daughter's favourite T.V. character was Penny, from 'Inspector Gadget'. Problem-solving Penny, with her wrist computer/comms link, was no fainting princess.
As life slid onto a different path, I abandoned the manuscript until, as an empty nester, my husband encouraged me to complete it.
There are loose ends, I realise that. Those threads will be pursued in Book Two. So, for those of you who tire of 'fainting princess' syndrome in female characters, I hope you enjoy this tale.